1. Projects
  2. Rock Top Up Gold Coast Lake

Rock Top Up Gold Coast Lake

This group of lake front property owners got together and got a great bulk deal on their rock armouring from Gold Coast Barges.

We topped up their existing rock armour which had worn away significantly to give them better protection from erosion. The new rock also put the finishing touches on their beautiful waterfront gardens.

It has been quite a number of years since the last rock top up was carried out and the existing structure has done well but is subsiding and was no longer doing the best job for the lake banks not is it protecting against scouring as it should.

The summer weather brings damaging king tides and flooding which can wash away unprotected waterfront areas. These clients have given their properties strong bank protection ready for the summer.

Speak to the team at Gold Coast Barges to ensure your canal, lake, or river frontage is looking great and effectively protecting your property.

You can clearly see the difference in this photo, the new rock on right and existing rock on left.
The completed rock armouring project.