1. Projects
  2. Revetment Wall Correction

Revetment Wall Correction

When a crack opened up on this waterfront property owner's revetment wall he called us in. With an engineer inspection and design to correct we resealed the crack, dug behind the wall to correct the drainage issues, topped up the rock to stabilise the wall and to bring the wall back to it's original design.

Over time rock slumps and walls become destabilised. It is very important canal waterfront owners realise the importance of checking their walls and ensuring their canal wall is still functioning effectively.

Find out more about our Revetment & Canal Wall Repair Services.

The crack was allowing material to flow through from behind the wall. The owner had noticed the beginnings of subsidence.
Using the excavator (and a little manual labour) the effected section of the wall is given a new geofabric lining. The lining is topped and with a new layer of gravel to allow water to drain behind the wall, back filled, and grass reinstated.
The engineer report noted the rock was no longer supporting the wall at the level it was designed to so a rock top up was final step in the repair.
The finished result after the canal wall repairs and rock top up.